[Asterisk-Users] re: Fax detection

Justin Newman jnewman at newmantelecom.com
Wed Mar 30 15:01:48 MST 2005

> Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 14:29:06 -0500
> From: niles at atheos.net
> Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Fax detection
> Hello,
> I'm attempting to configure my office Asterisk server to do fax
> detection for each one of our DID's configured for different users.
> Each person in our office has their own phone number, and I want each
> to do both voice & fax.
> Fax detection works great when configured like this:
> exten => fax,1,Macro(faxreceive)
> exten => fax,2,SetVar(EMAILADDR=niles at atheos.net)
> exten => h,1,system(/usr/local/sbin/mailfax ${FAXFILE} ${EMAILADDR}
> This will detect any incoming fax for this particular context and
> basically work as expected.
> I attempted to do some callerid matching to ensure the correct person
> gets their fax.
> When configured like this, Asterisk doesn't match the incoming DID to
> the fax user in question.
> exten => fax/3172152560,1,Macro(faxreceive)
> exten => fax/3172152560,2,SetVar(EMAILADDR=niles at atheos.net)
> exten => h,1,system(/usr/local/sbin/mailfax ${FAXFILE} ${EMAILADDR}
> This didn't work!
> I then tried this:
> exten => fax,1,Macro(faxreceive)
> exten => fax/3172152560,2,SetVar(EMAILADDR=niles at atheos.net)
> exten => fax/3172152561,2,SetVar(EMAILADDR=someoneelse at atheos.net)
> exten => h,1,system(/usr/local/sbin/mailfax ${FAXFILE} ${EMAILADDR}
> this also didn't work, although it did everything but set the e-mail
> variable.
> Any ideas?
> Niles

Send your output from Asterisk. Also, your second example needs to be
reordered (priorities are not numbered right).
Are you coming in on ZAP?

Justin Newman
Newman Telecom, Inc.

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