[Asterisk-Users] Test Line

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Wed Mar 30 03:20:34 MST 2005

> Somewhere in the Wiki I read that the best way to adjust the rxgain and
> txgain is to dial a "type 102 milliwatt test line".
> This line is usually found in xxx-958-nnnn or xxx-959-nnnn ranges.
> I'm in area code 323 in Los Angeles.
> Does anybody know the test number here??

The number assigned to the milliwatt generator is up to each telco; there
is no standard other then "some" larger operating companies will sometimes
develop an internal standard. But, each operating telco will oftentimes
develop their so called standard with no input from other telcos.

In the olden days of electo-mechanical central office switches, the
xxx-xx98 and xxx-xx99 numbers were frequently reserved for testing,
and in some cases the milliwatt generator was assigned to one of those
numbers in the central office. But, a central office with 10,000 lines
will have about 100 of those number combinations.

Much easier to call your telco 'repair service' and simply ask them
for the number of that office's milliwatt generator. If they don't
know, ask them to forward you to a central office technician.

If that doesn't work, the next time you see a telco truck in the
area (or at the coffee shop), ask the driver.

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