[Asterisk-Users] *-1.0.7 DTFM => Not working

Greg Boehnlein damin at nacs.net
Thu Mar 24 09:15:28 MST 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005, Joseph wrote:

> My DTFM is not working in current CVS-stable *-1.0.6 and *-1.0.7 but it
> works in version 1.0.5 (was working with 1.0.3).
> I'm using SPA-3000 and dtmfmode=inband

I noticed the exact same behavior w/ my upgrade to 1.0.7 using Polycom 
SPIP phones w/ dtmf=inband support.

Has anyone opened up a bug-tracker report on this? I had suspected that a 
change in chan_sip was the culprit, but I have not had the time to 
back-step through the CVS versions to find which specific patch might 
cause the behavior change.

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