[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7960 SIP boot takes 2 minutes?

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Sun Mar 20 18:41:32 MST 2005

--On Monday, March 21, 2005 10:29 AM +0900 Hermann Wecke 
<hermann at wecke.com> wrote:

> Tom wrote:
>> What times are others seeing for the load when you reboot a phone?
> About the same here, but I don't care as I never reboot my phone (about
> once every month or two).

Our 40's and 60s both take about two minutes to load...the spend/waste a 
lot of time waiting on the alternate VLAN config stuff.  I'd imagine if oyu 
had a 'fully' voice setup 2940 or 2950 that would advertise those settings 
via CDP for the phone it'd fire up quicker w/o waiting on the timeouts.  I 
can't do that in my network as we have several dumb switches.

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