[Asterisk-Users] ANNOUNCEMENT: Updates for app_cbmysql andMeetMe2gui (out of tree modules)

Henry Devito hdevito at mchsi.com
Wed Mar 16 08:02:14 MST 2005

Dan,  Thanks for the time helping me out.  I figured everything out except 
for the patch.
>7.  cd to asterisk/apps and run patch -p0 <

When I do this step it errors out and asks for the file to patch..  When I 
look at the apps-meetme-cbmysql.txt It shows the file name to be 
app_cbmysql.c so I changed the name of the file cbmysql.c to app_cbmysql.c 
but it still doesn't work.

Also in the apps-meetme-cbmysql.txt it shows the path to be 
asterisk-1.0.5-orig I am trying to install this on asterisk at home.  So the 
source is in /var/build_aah/asterisk_src/asterisk.  Maybe I'm looking in the 
wrong direction. any help would be appreciated.  I can even give you root 
access to my box.  When all is said and done I will write up a wiki page for 

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