[Asterisk-Users] Basical question to asterisk

Christian Schoepplein chris at schoeppi.net
Wed Mar 16 05:13:37 MST 2005


I'm new to asterisk and because I try to configure the package for my 
needs the last days without success, I'd like to ask a basical qestion.

I need asterisk to work together with the German VoIP provider sipgate 
(http://www.sipgate.de). Asterisk should act as a softphone, I want to 
recive and make calls only with the software under linux, no softphone 
should be used. Is this possible with asterisk in principle or do I have 
to use a real softphone together with asterisk?

Manny thanks!

Gruss / Regards,
Christian Schoepplein <chris at schoeppi.net>

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