[Asterisk-Users] Setting up Security Groups

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Tue Mar 15 09:06:47 MST 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 07:21 -0800, PA wrote:
> Right now here is how I have it structured in extensions.conf.  What
> am I missing?  Why would a sip-basic member be able to make toll
> calls?
> [default]
> include => sip-basic
> include => sip-operator
> include => sip-superuser

You probably want to remove those 3 entries. I can't remember for sure
if you can inherit includes, but I do remember that unregistered sip
phones could have access to the default context. 

Guessing without the benefit of the logs from your machine, your phones
may be entering the default context and getting access that they don't

> [sip-superuser]
> include => outbound-local
> include => outbound-longdistance
> include => outbound-tollfree
> include => outbound-toll
> ---> sip users info follows here
> [sip-operator]
> include => outbound-local
> include => outbound-longdistance
> include => outbound-tollfree
> ---> sip users info follows here
> [sip-basic]
> include => outbound-local
> include => outbound-tollfree
> ---> sip users info follows here
> [outbound-local]
> ---> outbound calling info follows here
> [outbound-longdistance]
> ---> outbound calling info follows here
> [outbound-tollfree]
> ---> outbound calling info follows here
> [outbound-toll]
> ---> outbound calling info follows here

Without the details of these outbound sections, we can't tell if you
have a pattern matching problem that is causing your troubles.
Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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