[Asterisk-Users] Has anybody experience with SetGroup / CheckGroup commands?

Ronald Wiplinger ronald at elmit.com
Mon Mar 14 08:25:35 MST 2005

I am checking on the SetGroup / CheckGroup commands, but I have some 
troubles to undestand the examples.

SetGroup(moh)   can be moh anything as I like? Usually moh stands for 
"music on hold"
CheckGroup(1)  checks if somebody in in group "moh". Does it mean I can 
only have one SetGroup(xxx) ??

When I look at example 2 than I see two SetGroup commands and one 
CheckGroup command. I don't understand it!!! Can anybody explain it for 
me, please?

I want to understand it, so that I can figure out how to setup what I need:

dial with astcc a number via gateway-1
if gateway-1 is used already 1 time, than use gateway-2, .... and so 
forth, ...



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