[Asterisk-Users] Location of Voice e-mail Code???

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Sat Mar 12 03:47:33 MST 2005

On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 01:03:00PM +0300, Julius Kidubuka wrote:
> Hi,
> Where can I find the code that performs the voice e-mail function (that
> is, the code that reads the contents of voicemail.conf and then performs
> the necessary action)?
> I am using asterisk at home 0.6.

The mail is delivered by piping it to a "sendmail" program (by default 
/usr/sbin/sendmail). /usr/sbin/sendmail does not have to be sendmail.
Postfix and Exim provide a sendmail-compatible interface along with a
host of more minimal programs such as ssmtp and nullmailer.

With sendmail and similar (Exim and Postfix) the aliases (normally 
/etc/aliases) file is a useful place to set up forwarding. e.g: suppose 
you want to keep your voicemail.conf as simple as possible:

200=200,,200 at localhost
201=201,,201 at localhost
202=202,,202 at localhost
202=202,,202 at localhost
203=203,,203 at localhost
204=204,,204 at localhost

to your aliases file you could then add:

200: john
201: me at gmail.com
202: david,|/usr/local/bin/send_sms_to_david

Note that I have ommited the names, but those names are actually also 
used for things other than voicemail.

Tzafrir Cohen         | New signature for new address and  |  VIM is
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tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                                    |  best
ICQ# 16849755         | Space reserved for other protocols | friend

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