[Asterisk-Users] What combination of pwlib and openh323 are required to get Asterisk-oh323 v0.7.1 to compile

Vamsi Pottangi vamsipottangi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 00:48:30 MST 2005

This worked for me on Fedora Core 3
pwlib -  1_6_6
openh323 - 1_13_5
asterisk-oh323 - 0.7.1

cp pwlib-v1_6_6-src.tar.gz openh323-v1_13_5-src.tar.gz
     asterisk-oh323-0.7.1.tar.gz /usr/src/
  cd /usr/src
  tar zxf pwlib-v1_6_6-src.tar.gz
  tar zxf openh323-v1_13_5-src.tar.gz
  tar zxf asterisk-oh323-0.7.1.tar.gz
  Set Environment variables
  cd /usr/src/pwlib
  make opt
  cd /usr/src/openh323
  Remove the line 433 (:protected)
in  /usr/src/openh323/include/gkserver.h
  else you would get the below error during compilation
  /usr/src/openh323/include/gkserver.h:434: error: `virtual
  H323Transaction::Response H323GatekeeperRRQ::OnHandlePDU()' is
  make opt
  cd /usr/src/asterisk-oh323-0.7.1
  Edit makefile and set the paths/options according to your system.

  Type "make" to build the oh323wrap library and the
  ASTERISK OH323 channel driver.

  Type "make install" to install the binaries. This will also
  install a sample configuration file, if there isn't one.

Hope this of help to you

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 11:41:19 +0800, replies at datamerge.com.au
<replies at datamerge.com.au> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have Asterisk running beautifully on our test server. Over the past few
> days I have been tearing my hair out trying to compile various versions of
> asterisk-oh323 on various versions of pwlib and openh323.
> pwlib is now up to 1.8.3 and openh323 is now 1.15.2 stable.
> asterisk-oh323 is currently 0.7.1
> I have tried these three with many errors.
> I have tried 0.7.1 with pwlib 1.5.2 and openh 1.12.2 with no luck.
> I have tried asterisk-oh323 1.5.10 with pwlib 1.5.2 and openh323 and I still
> get errors. From the mailing list I have gleaned that this version of
> asterisk-openh323 won't work with the latest asterisk anyway, yet the readme
> in asterisk-oh323 says to use this version with the aforementioned versions
> of pwlib and openh323.
> I can't find the versions of pwlib and openh323 recommended in the
> asterisk-oh323-0.7.1 readme.
> The pwlib and openh323 projects always build without error. Asterisk built
> without errors and most everythings else. I am running a very basic Fedora
> Core 2 installation.
> What I would like to know is what is the recommended known good combination
> to use of asterisk-oh323, pwlib and oh323. Once I have a combination that
> should work, I can then ask more intelligent questions on how to get it to
> build properly if I still have errors.
> Help greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> Mark Dutton
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