[OT] - [Asterisk-Users] Why should I answer a Newbie question, therethick!

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Sat Mar 5 05:00:23 MST 2005

On March 5, 2005 01:39 am, Jonathan Hobbs wrote:
> Ignore them and they will go away.

Only after polluting the list with incessant "How do I do X?" messages, and 
then only after subsequently polluting the list with "asterisk sucks" 
messages, and then all the bad karma of some clueless twitt who couldn't be 
bothered to embrace OSS in the first place spewing incorrect information 
around, all because they should have hired a consultant to do their work for 
them instead.

Ignoring them doesn't work, sorry.  Education has a (marginally) better shot.


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