[Asterisk-Users] Echo problem

pellegrini at frameweb.it pellegrini at frameweb.it
Thu Jun 30 05:54:22 MST 2005

Hi ,
I am trying to use a telephone Atcom AT323
Both in SIP mode and in IAX mode, I have a lot of echo on a large number of
number called (NOT ALL, it depends on the network I reach)

I see that using  in /etc/asterisk/capi.conf


Everithing is really good (not perfect but infinitely better)

The question is: where can I find the meaning of these parameters ? I
searched a lot, but I didn't find anything.
In other words: why 64 ? I tried 128 with no effect ;
And the value of echocancel ? should it be 1 or yes ?

If anybody is able to give me a link to the meaning/values of these
parfameters I will be very  happy !

I am using 3 FritzCard bri and chancapi

thanks in advance,


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