[Asterisk-Users] Can't build cdr_addon_mysql.

Chris Mason (Lists) lists at masonc.com
Wed Jun 29 23:13:57 MST 2005

Marcel van Kaam, Fonetica wrote:

>I had the same problem with installing addons. I checked out in the file
>cdr_addons_mysql.c what the location of the asterisk.h must be and changed
>the cdr_addons_mysql.c to the location of the asterisk.h file.
>After this it worked. Also to be sure do: locate asterisk.h to check or you
>have the file on your system.
Yes, that worked. For the record, it had to be

#include "../asterisk-1.0.9/asterisk.h"

Chris Mason
(264) 497-5670 Fax: (264) 497-8463
Int:  (305) 704-7249 Fax: (815)301-9759 
Cell: 264-235-5670
Yahoo IM: netconcepts_anguilla at yahoo.com 

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