[Asterisk-Users] How do you handle NAT?

Matthew Boehm mboehm at cytelcom.com
Tue Jun 28 08:47:27 MST 2005

Ray Van Dolson wrote:

> What type of user load are you at and what are the specs on your Asterisk box?

	I'm seeing loads on certain Asterisk threads reach in the upper 70% 
periodically. Running a Quad proc P3 500Mhz with RedHat9 on 2.4.20 SMP 

> We do have the luxury that each Sipura device we use is sitting behind its own
> NAT (a customer CPE).  So we can do port-forwarding and in combination with a
> STUN server (MyStun), things work quite well.

	The phones that our customers use support STUN. If I turn up a STUN 
server and tell these phones to use that, does that mean I no longer 
need to use QUALIFY?


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