[Asterisk-Users] Re: teliax [Was: LiveVoip is Bankrupt]

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Tue Jun 28 06:46:17 MST 2005

On 2005-06-28, r00t <intrusiondetection at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll second voipjet for outbound only. While many reported problems to

VoipJet bothers me for two reasons.  First, their terms of service are
absolutely insane.  Users are specifically forbidden to place calls
regarding medical or financial matters over VoipJet.  So I couldn't call
my tax preparer or schedule a doctor appointment under their contract.
There are many other insane things about it; see the thread at
One of the little gems is that if you tell anyone you use VoipJet, you
violate your contract.  So all of you that have been praising your
VoipJet service here: prepare to be disconnected! :-)

Secondly, they are not honest about what they are doing.  They clearly
are aiming some services at small self-sufficient end-users, yet they
claim to provide services to commercial carriers only (and their ToS
tries to enforce that.)  Got to love little statements like "Emerging
VoIP service providers can make payments through PayPal".

-- John

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