[Asterisk-Users] Using asterisk as Quality Monitoring Platform?

Aaron Sundman alsundma at gmail.com
Tue Jun 28 05:28:02 MST 2005

Is anyone using Asterisk as a Quality Monitoring Platform for random
recording of inbound calls that come into another ACD?

We use Aspect ACDs for inbound call routing and do all live Quality
Monitoring at the moment.  I have looked at many Quality Recording
systems that run from $30K to $700K.  They all have great

The connection to the Aspect ACD could be done via POTS ports or SIP
ports.  The Aspect CTI system could be queried via CRON for choosing
which calls to monitor and when.  Once the calls are recorded (the
tough part) I can set up a PHP based intranet site for hosting,
delivering, and scoring to the supervisors.

Is anyone considering/doing anything similar?  If this discussion has
already taken place please send a URL.  Google searches turn up lots
of good, though non-related, info.

aaron at sundman.com

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