[Asterisk-Users] Re: LiveVoip is Bankrupt

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Mon Jun 27 13:47:02 MST 2005

On 2005-06-27, Michael Di Martino <mdm at telx.com> wrote:
> If this list spent at least half the time on helping other asterisk
> admins as it does on
> trivial things like LiveVoips bankruptcy it just might be a great list.
> As it stands now this list is kind of useless.  Most request for
> assistance with asterisk problems go unresolved of unanswered.

Most requests for assistance with asterisk problems:

1) Are in a FAQ or Wiki trivially reachable by google

2) Have already been archived on this list, again trivially reachable by

80% of questions on this list aren't the least bit interesting to me
because I already found the answer for myself on the wiki, docs, or
google some time ago.

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