[Asterisk-Users] Re: teliax [Was: LiveVoip is Bankrupt]

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Mon Jun 27 05:27:51 MST 2005

On 2005-06-26, Adam Megacz <adam at megacz.com> wrote:
> Rich Adamson <radamson at routers.com> writes:
>> I've had pretty good luck with www.teliax.com
> I like them too, except for support.  I have THREE tickets open with
> them that are ten days old and haven't received even a cursory "we're
> looking into it" response.  It's absurd.

I'm looking for someone that sells minutes in bulk like LiveVoip used
to.  No monthly fee, just pay-as-you-go.  It looks like Teliax charges a
minimum of $10/mo, even if I use no minutes that month.

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