[Asterisk-Users] BRIstuff/QuadBRI problem: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 255/255 span 5

Bruno.Voigt at ic3s.de Bruno.Voigt at ic3s.de
Fri Jun 24 03:07:43 MST 2005

Hi all,

I'm running a stable Asterisk on a HP DL380G2 1.4Ghz 0,5GB RAM
equipped with 1x TE410P and 2xJunghanns QuadBRI running in NT-mode.

Connected to the BRI-Ports are 12 Fax-Modems (Elsa MicroLink ISDN/TL V.34)
which are only operating in dial out analog mode to deliver fax messages.

After a while of running fine (50-200 dial out connections)
on some S0 spans the following message occurs over and over again:

chan_zap.c:8009 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 
255/255 span 5

The Modems connected to this span get NO DIALTONE for every ATD.
Modems on other spans continue to operate.

This error seems to appear mostly on  span 5 and 6.

After restarting asterisk everything is okay again for a while.

Any hints about what is going on here are greatly appreciated ;-)

TIA, Bruno - bruno @ ic3s.de
Connected to Asterisk 1.0.7-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC8g currently running on pbx 
(pid = 20305)
Verbosity is at least 5
pbx*CLI> show channels
        Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
       Zap/25-1  (pri1       s            1   )      Up Bridged Call 
      Zap/128-1  (from-s0-faxmodems 00711xxx 5   )      Up Dial 
       Zap/24-1  (pri1       s            1   )      Up Bridged Call 
      Zap/132-1  (from-s0-faxmodems 00242xxx  5   )      Up Dial 
4 active channel(s)
Jun 24 11:49:19 WARNING[20305]: chan_zap.c:8009 pri_dchannel: Ring 
requested on unconfigured channel 255/255 span 5
  == Primary D-Channel on span 6 down for TEI 64
  == Primary D-Channel on span 6 up for TEI 64
    -- Accepting overlap voice call from '' to '00394xxxx' on channel 0/2, 
span 6
    -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/129-1'
    -- Channel 0/2, span 7 got hangup
    -- Hungup 'Zap/24-1'
  == Spawn extension (from-s0-faxmodems, 00242xxx, 5) exited non-zero on 
    -- Hungup 'Zap/132-1'
    -- Executing SetCallerPres("Zap/129-1", "prohib") in new stack
    -- Executing NoOp("Zap/129-1", "") in new stack
    -- Executing SetTransferCapability("Zap/129-1", "3K1AUDIO") in new 
    -- Setting transfer capability to: 0x10 - 3K1AUDIO.
    -- Executing SetCIDNum("Zap/129-1", "0410612345") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("Zap/129-1", "Zap/r1/039xxxx") in new stack
    -- Requested transfer capability: 0x10 - 3K1AUDIO
    -- Called r1/039xxxx
    -- Zap/26-1 is ringing
    -- Zap/26-1 answered Zap/129-1
    -- Attempting native bridge of Zap/129-1 and Zap/26-1
Jun 24 11:49:35 WARNING[20305]: chan_zap.c:8009 pri_dchannel: Ring 
requested on unconfigured channel 255/255 span 5
  == Primary D-Channel on span 7 down for TEI 65
  == Primary D-Channel on span 7 up for TEI 65    

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