[Asterisk-Users] Re: CLUELESS NEWBIE needs help making an outbound sip call to PSTN

Steve asterisk at michiganbroadband.com
Thu Jun 23 10:42:13 MST 2005

Finally got it to work with my provider,
The task was seemingly a simple one which was to (simply) be able to make
an outbound call to the PSTN via our sip provider
Unfortunately none of the information that I was given seemed to have any 
effect on the problems I was having...
However it was helpful and provided needed insight along with the 
opportunity to get into CVS HEad a bit and so some compiling.

I VERY much appreciate the help but I still find that I did not learn as 
much as would have like have but will 'keep trying'!!!

Just ended up through very much tral and error pasting other people's 
configurations in until finally one worked.

The one I got to work with Stanaphone did not work with my provider,

I found one of (many) that someone had listed for broadvoice that worked
with my provider (who is *NOT* broadvoice) :-)

Unfortunately I am not knowledgable on what is exactly at my sip 
provider's end and they are not willing to disclose with me or this list
what that hardware / software combo on their end (the provider) is.

Here is my sip.conf that FINALLY worked after about 3 weeks of trying 



  port = 5060
   bindaddr =
  ;  dtmfmode=info
  ;  nat=yes

     ; This section is because i'm behind nat
      externip = x.x.x.x ;Outside address
       localnet = ;Inside address
        localmask = ;Inside subnet

         context = sip ; Default context for incoming calls
          register => ##########:secret at sip.stanaphone.com/1000
          register => ##########:secret at sip.provider.net/4078
          register => ##########:secret at sip.provider.net/4077



;more testing broadvoice examples

type = peer
host = sip.provider.net
secret = secret
user=phone ; I needed this to make it work (what tha ????)
fromuser = secret
username= secret
authname= secret
fromdomain = sip.provider.net
context = sip
insecure=very ; To allow registered hosts to call without 
canreinvite = no
; BV claims they support rfc2833, but for some reason passing digits
; after a connected call only works with inband
dtmfmode = rfc2833

Running Version:
Asterisk CVS-HEAD built by root at Vontage on a i686 running 
Linux on 2005-06-06 22:32:05

*CLI> show version files
File                      Revision
----                      --------
cdr_custom.c              Revision: 1.11
cdr_manager.c             Revision: 1.6
cdr_csv.c                 Revision: 1.16
pbx_functions.c           Revision: 1.3
chan_zap.c                Revision: 1.458
chan_phone.c              Revision: 1.52
chan_modem_i4l.c          Revision: 1.27
chan_oss.c                Revision: 1.49
chan_features.c           Revision: 1.12
chan_skinny.c             Revision: 1.78
chan_local.c              Revision: 1.47
chan_iax2.c               Revision: 1.303
iax2-parser.c             Revision: 1.45
iax2-provision.c          Revision: 1.12
chan_mgcp.c               Revision: 1.123
chan_agent.c              Revision: 1.136
chan_modem_bestdata.c     Revision: 1.16
chan_sip.c                Revision: 1.754
chan_modem_aopen.c        Revision: 1.15
chan_modem.c              Revision: 1.40
io.c                      Revision: 1.10
sched.c                   Revision: 1.19
logger.c                  Revision: 1.74
frame.c                   Revision: 1.57
loader.c                  Revision: 1.45
config.c                  Revision: 1.66
channel.c                 Revision: 1.202
translate.c               Revision: 1.37
file.c                    Revision: 1.68
say.c                     Revision: 1.60
pbx.c                     Revision: 1.254
cli.c                     Revision: 1.86
md5.c                     Revision: 1.14
term.c                    Revision: 1.10
ulaw.c                    Revision: 1.4
alaw.c                    Revision: 1.3
callerid.c                Revision: 1.32
fskmodem.c                Revision: 1.7
image.c                   Revision: 1.15
app.c                     Revision: 1.66
cdr.c                     Revision: 1.40
tdd.c                     Revision: 1.6
acl.c                     Revision: 1.45
rtp.c                     Revision: 1.133
manager.c                 Revision: 1.99
asterisk.c                Revision: 1.162
dsp.c                     Revision: 1.43
chanvars.c                Revision: 1.8
indications.c             Revision: 1.25
autoservice.c             Revision: 1.12
db.c                      Revision: 1.18
privacy.c                 Revision: 1.5
enum.c                    Revision: 1.26
srv.c                     Revision: 1.13
dns.c                     Revision: 1.14
utils.c                   Revision: 1.47
config_old.c              Revision: 1.4
plc.c                     Revision: 1.5
jitterbuf.c               Revision: 1.15
dnsmgr.c                  Revision: 1.5

Sorry for the LONG delay on this wrap up.

Take care!


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