[Asterisk-Users] Extension Configuration Best Practice

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Jun 21 14:35:50 MST 2005

> >> |Rich is indeed correct, Asterisk does not yet support multiple
> >> |registrations for a single peer entry. Thus when you register
> >> |the previous registration is discarded and the new one is
> >> |used. Thus like he said, the last one that registered gets the call.
> >
> > And asterisk will never do that, because that's not how SIP works.
> Is there a way to just register the phone when user pickup the phone!? 
> In this way we can have two phones regitered with the same context.

No, all current hard and soft phones have an independent Register 
function that is executed after the phone boots up, and on some regular
basis thereafter. The Register function has nothing to do with the
user pressing keys on the front of the phone. The Snom phones did have
a mechanism to select a different user account in there older software,
but not sure if they still have that or not.

Asterisk was designed around the traditional definition of a pbx, and
that definition essentially says that each phone "is" an extension.
The extension definitions are preprogrammed into the phone and saved 
in nvram, and used to register the phone with a sip box. Therefore, 
modifying that definition to support roaming "users" will take a little 
more software work in both the phone and * to support it. Most of us
don't have access to the phone's source code.

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