[Asterisk-Users] callqueues confused :(

Neil Bullock neil at clearip.co.uk
Fri Jun 17 15:48:03 MST 2005

>     -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on
> SIP/
>     -- outgoing agentcall, to agent '1001', on 'Local/201 at sip-0add,1'
>     -- Called Agent/1001
>     -- Executing Dial("Local/201 at sip-0add,2", "SIP/101|20|tr") in new
> stack
>     -- Called 101
>     -- Agent/1001 is ringing
>     -- SIP/101-6fe1 is ringing
>     -- Agent/1001 is ringing
>     -- SIP/101-6fe1 answered Local/201 at sip-0add,2
>     -- Local/201 at sip-0add,1 answered, waiting for '#' to acknowledge
>     -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/201 at sip-0add,2
>     -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'en')
>     -- Unable to find extension '' in context 'sip'
>     -- Playing 'pbx-invalid' (language 'en')

I have a call queue that appears to work until the agent is requested to
press #.

At this point it tries to transfer the call but then says the extension
is invalid.

Any pointers appreciated, I've drawn a blank.



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