[Asterisk-Users] 488 Not Acceptable Here

Nabeel Jafferali asterisk-lists at x2n.ca
Wed Jun 15 06:19:53 MST 2005

> The message is generated directly by the called Sipura/PAP2.

No, if you read the sip debug carefully, you would see Asterisk is
transmitting 488 Not Acceptable Here. If you mean the destination device,
that's not possible since the user was calling an echo test.

> This message is very likely due to a codec issue (ie, the called unit
> was instructed to use G279 but it had already one call setup with G729),
> or the called unit was in the process of setting up a call and had no
> available G279 codec for the second call.  ( the Sipuras/PAP2 reserve
> G729 during call setup even though it might end up using G711).  The
> codec is only released once the call is set up.

I know that, which is why the sip.conf entry is set to allow=g729 and

Any other ideas?

Nabeel Jafferali
X2 Networks
T: 1.647.722.6900
F: 1.866.655.6698
FWD: 46990

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