[Asterisk-Users] Re: Polycom 500...

rsenykoff at harrislogic.com rsenykoff at harrislogic.com
Mon Jun 6 19:07:39 MST 2005

> Also, you may want to check the digit map (the pattern recognition 
> when you dial).  It is in sip.cfg.  I know that by default it treats 
> numbers that start in "11" specially, but it shouldn't really 
> transpose numbers.  That's weird.
> Its not that it transposes numbers,it induces a delay that seems to 
> screw up the order in which they are registered.  I find that if you 
> dial without picking up the handset, this problem won't appear, but if 
> you pick up the handset first it does.
> That would definitely point to a problem in the digit map then.  If 
> you dial on-hook (with no dialtone) the phone doesn't use the digit 
> map.  It just takes whatever you put in and waits until you 
> specifically press 

I ran into this exact problem with the digit map. Some clients wanted 
their extensions in the 100's (small office) and extensions 110, 111, etc 
had problems. What happens is the Polycom fails to figure out what you're 
trying to send and resets the numbers (by default). This was revealed when 
they would try to transfer, as the handset was already picked up.

To fix, I changed the method for failing on impossible match in sip.conf.

<dialplan dialplan.impossibleMatchHandling="2"

Changing impossibleMatchHandling from default 0 to 2 lets them continue 
typing whatever number, uninterrupted. If they type a match, it will still 
auto dial. Very acceptible behavior IMO.


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