[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Box as a Router, Firewall and DHCP Server

Kristian Kielhofner kris at krisk.org
Wed Jun 1 23:06:18 MST 2005

Samy Antoun wrote:
>>	Sorry I'm late.  How about a shameless plug for my
>>distro - AstLinux. 
> Kris,
> I was taking a look at your site yesterday, great
> work. One day I'll get a Soekris and try it out. I'm
> downloading the PC distro now to give it a try.
> Appreciate your work
> Samy
> ps. Why you are not listed in distrowatch.com


	Thanks for the tip!  I just sent them an e-mail, but their site does 
say that embedded distros are not accepted into the general list.  I 
think it's debatable whether or not AstLinux is "embedded".

	I think the one problem that I have is the impression that AstLinux is 
only for Soekris hardware - not the case!  I get more than twice as many 
downloads for the generic i586 image!

Kristian Kielhofner

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