[Asterisk-Users] Unreliable DTMF detection with DISA on incomingZap channel on bristuffed * and GSM gateway

Marcelo Sosa Lugones marsosa at v2r.com.ar
Wed Jun 1 10:10:52 MST 2005


> I'm getting unusable DTMF detection with DISA on incoming ZAP channel
> (bristuffed *) on quadbri from GSM gateway. DTMF detection works ok in
> normal ISDN incoming line.

I'm having similar problems with a gsm gateway connected to x100p.
The DTMF for 1, 4 and 7 are detected fine, but 2, 5 and 8 gets detected dupe
and 3 6 and 9 aren't detected.

Anyone has any idea? i've already tried "relaxdtmf=yes" with no success.


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