[Asterisk-Users] Snom 360 record button?

Patrick Friedel pfriedel at copweb.com
Thu Jul 28 12:37:26 MST 2005

Maik Schmitt wrote:

>>Is this during a call? Can you please send me a full SIP DEBUG of the call?
>>Brainstorming, maybe we could treat this as a transfer to a local
>>extension somehow and turn monitor on in the dial plan that way...
>Hmm IMO the automon-feature would be better for this. It does exactly what we 
>want (start recording during a call) and is configurable via Dial-Options. 
>The only thing I don't know is how to activate it without sending the DTMF 
  Hmm, you're right, I wasn't aware of the automon feature - I don't 
know if it was in the original SIP trace, but the 360 is sending _some_ 
DTMF signalling, but I don't know what it's actually sending.  I'm 
currently at 9 for verbosity, let me amp that up and see if it will ever 
actually display the tones it's receiving.

voip*CLI> sip debug peer pjf
SIP Debugging Enabled for IP:
voip*CLI> set verbose 255
Verbosity was 9 and is now 255
[boring build up that isn't new to anyone]

Sip read:
INFO sip:95551212 at SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-aytv2p1rs5ih;rport
From: "Patrick" <sip:pjf at voip>;tag=4rbnk4yyxd
To: <sip:95551212 at voip;user=phone>;tag=as3b19835c
Call-ID: 3c3382731d4c-bti01myl15cz at snom360
CSeq: 3 INFO
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:pjf at;line=t2jii7ty>
User-Agent: snom360/3.60r
Record: on
Content-Length: 0

11 headers, 0 lines
Receiving DTMF!
Jul 28 14:12:15 WARNING[26025]: chan_sip.c:6166 receive_info: Unable to 
parse INFO message from 3c3382731d4c-bti01myl15cz at snom360. Content
Transmitting (no NAT):
SIP/2.0 415 Unsupported media type
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-aytv2p1rs5ih
From: "Patrick" <sip:pjf at voip>;tag=4rbnk4yyxd
To: <sip:95551212 at voip;user=phone>;tag=as3b19835c
Call-ID: 3c3382731d4c-bti01myl15cz at snom360
CSeq: 3 INFO
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
Contact: <sip:95551212 at>
Content-Length: 0


Hmm.  It's getting _something_, but the verbosity won't reveal it.  
Checking chan_sip.c, I don't see a mechanism for revealing the data, 
it'd be around line 7716.  It we could reveal it (or Nils just tells us. 
:), it might be as simple as editing features.conf and setting automon 
to whatever DTMF the Snom sends when you hit the record button.

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