[Asterisk-Users] Dial using URI(web) or using FORM(web)

Colin Anderson ColinA at landmarkmasterbuilder.com
Wed Jul 27 14:24:24 MST 2005

I am currently doing this in IIS/ASP, you can modify to your tastes.
Prerequisites are SAMBA on the Asterisk server, a temp folder shared out in
Samba that the anonymous IIS user has rights to, and a WATCH statement in
/etc/rc.d/rc.local that will execute a batch file that chmod's the .CALL
file so that it has rights to the file and moves it from the temp directory
to the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing directory every 2s:

PhoneNumber=Request.Querystring("PhoneNumber") 'Can use request.form if
posting a form
Context=request.querystring("Context") 'or hardcode a context
Extension=request.querystring("Extension") 'Extension to terminate the call
to once the guy picks up
PhonePrefix=Left(PhoneNumber,3) 'Determine the prefix
If PhonePrefix="780" then 'My CLEC will not complete calls with a local area
code, so strip out
NumberToCall= "1" & PhoneNumber 'if it's not local, append a 1 in front of
it for LD
End If
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set file = fs.CreateTextFile("\\<MyAsteriskServerIP>\outgoing\" & int(Rnd *
1000) & ".call", true, false)
file.WriteLine("Channel:	ZAP/g0/" & NumberToCall) 'Pick a line from
group 0
file.WriteLine("SetVar:	CALLINGPARTY=" & NumberToCall) 'Set variable so
Asterisk can present the CallerID to the extension, reference as
SetCallerID(${CALLINGPARTY}) in the context of the extension's phone
file.WriteLine("CallerID:	<MyCallerIDIWantToPresent>")
file.WriteLine("MaxRetries:	2")
file.WriteLine("RetryTime:	60")
file.WriteLine("WaitTime:	60")
file.WriteLine("Context:	" & Context)
file.WriteLine("Extension:	" & Extension)
file.WriteLine("Priority:	1")
response.write "Call in progress, please wait..." 'or insert whatever HTML
you want or response.redirect to whatever target page you want

This file gets href'd as something like

Works like a hot damn. hth.

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