[Asterisk-Users] super high bandwidth codec

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Mon Jul 25 05:40:30 MST 2005

Deniz Pecel wrote:
> Yes and ilbc is more robust against packet loss, jitter etc. with
> using not very much but less more bandwith. Asterisk has support for
> ilbc and there are many providers offering PSTN termination with ilbc
> codec. And voice quality is better than g723. check out
> http://www.ilbcfreeware.org/

iLBC does not seem to support any kind of wideband mode, so it will not 
be any clearer than plain old G711 ulaw/alaw.

Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-210-3699 x2120

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