[Asterisk-Users] Re: Mahler's Book - New Project

El Flynn el_flynn at lanvik-icu.com
Fri Jul 22 03:53:05 MST 2005

Noah Miller wrote:
> In addition to largely being a rehash of existing docs on the  internet, 
> there are many editorial errors in the version that I  have.  Before I 
> was comfortable with the conf files, these editorial  errors were very 
> confusing.  The editions coming out now may have  fixed these, but if 
> not, it's just another reason to avoid thee book.
> I'd agree that the best way to get started is to get your hands wet.   
> Be prepared to devote some time to learning asterisk.  You'll find  that 
> in the end, it is still the quickest way, and well worth your  effort.

Someone told me of an O'Reilly book on Asterisk, and looking in their catalog 
i've found it: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/asterisk/index.html Authors are 
credited as Jared Smith, Jim Van Meggelen and Leif Madsen, and it's due out in 
September '05. Has a picture of a starfish on the cover.

Since it's not yet out, has anyone here proofread the thing, or has had an early 
copy, and willing to comment?


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