[Asterisk-Users] Disable Console Audio

Kuniyoshi Murata kuni at ej-interpreter.net
Thu Jul 21 10:49:21 MST 2005


I'm using FedoraCore 1 for Asterisk 1.0. I assume that Asterisk accesses
default audio device (say, /dev/dsp0) as audio capture device by
application's default. (correct me, if I'm wrong on this)

What I want to do is to let other audio capturing application (that is real
producer, BTW) use Linux Box's default audio device. But, the default audio
device is unavailable.

Now, I think I want to disable Asterisk's access to console audio device
based on the logic above. How can I do that?

Thanks for any input


Kuniyoshi Murata.........................iChat/AIM:macwebcaster
English-Japanese Interpreter     mailto:kuni at ej-interpreter.net
Macintosh Webcast Specialist        http://www.macwebcaster.com

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