[Asterisk-Users] Junghanns quadBRI on Dell PowerEdge

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Wed Jul 20 11:09:45 MST 2005

On 11:31, Wed 20 Jul 05, David Hajek wrote:
> Hi,
> we are trying to install Junghann's quadBRI into Dell PowerEdge 2800 
> system without success.
> I don't know if the issue can be that Junghann's card fits 32-bit slot 
> and Dell PE 2800 has
> only 3 PCI-X 64-bit slots. Can this be an issue?
> We get  "CRC errors for HDLC frame" when the card is initialized. Any 
> idea what can be wrong?
> 1/ We use latest bristuff packages.
> 2/ We use TE mode
> 3/ Card is working on older 2.4 system, we use same cables and ISDN 
> devices.
> 4/ On Dell we have a Centos 4.1 with 2.6.12 kernel.
> After loading the driver we got CRC errors like this:
> Jul 19 17:02:30 ustredna kernel: qozap: CRC error for HDLC frame on card 
> 1 (cardID 0) S/T port 1


I had the same errors too when I started to test with the
4port card.
After changing the 200M UTP cable that was all put in a
corner for a 2 meter cable the problems went away.
I read on some previous posts from Klaus-Peter that the CRC
errors mean bad cables. In my case the way-too-long cable
from the NT1 to my * box was the cause.

Maybe this can be of any help
Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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