[Asterisk-Users] So you all think VoIP sypply is warm and fuzzy

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Jul 19 05:57:17 MST 2005

> I was waiting for everyone to reply so here is mine.. Check out the Mediatrix 
> web site. There are no downloads or lists of resellers who might have this 
> provisioning software that is normally included with purchase.    

I'm not interested in your relationship with voipsupply.

Mediatrix does not offer any end user support; all of their products are
supported _only_ through resellers and the majority of their resellers
are more interested in charging for everything including maintenance
releases of the mediatrix firmware. (Been there, done that, not at all
happy with their support structure which had nothing at all to do with
voipsupply in my case.)

Extensively tested their 1204 fxo box and it was one of the more solid
boxes that I've seen in terms of echo and true voice quality. If they
could clean up their support act (and reduce retail cost a little), 
would seem their products would be far more acceptable to asterisk 

> Has anyone used the 2102? Please let me know.

Would be very interested in reading a good 'eval' of the 2102 however.

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