[Asterisk-Users] Proper way to start * and load modules on a RedHatbox

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at cohens.org.il
Mon Jul 4 13:29:07 MST 2005

On Mon, Jul 04, 2005 at 09:55:46PM +0200, Roland Zagler wrote:

> i experienced that on some configs the "service asterisk restart" does
> not work correctly, so go to "/etc/rc.d/init.d" and edit the file
> "asterisk"
> and insert a "sleep 5" between stop and start in "restart".

Why is that?

'restart' on debian is simply:

  $0 stop
  $0 start

'stop' has some logic to stop asterisk: first asterisk -rx 'stop now' in
the background, so it won't hang, after two seconds sigterm to the
asterisk processes and after 5 sends sigkill. Seems to work well.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir at jbr.cohens.org.il | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                           | a Mutt's  
tzafrir at cohens.org.il |                           |  best
ICQ# 16849755         |                           | friend

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