[Asterisk-Users] TDM400 - channel out to lunch?

Michael George george at mutualdata.com
Thu Jan 27 04:09:22 MST 2005

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 06:11:31AM -0600, Rich Adamson wrote:
> For those of us that have had probems with the tdm dropping, it seems
> stopping *, stop and restart zaptel, restart * fixes what seems to be
> a software bug. No reboot necessary. If that doesn't fix the problem,
> then you might have a defective module.

I found that I need to unload and reload the wcfxs module from the kernel and
re-run ztcfg.  Perhaps the former is no necessary, but it's in my script now.

> There was an issue with the first tdm cards shipped (ver e/f) where the
> first module slot had a problem. Those that received replacement cards
> found an added jumper wire on them suggesting a printed circuit board
> trace had been missed (or something like that).

I have been having trouble with E/Fs (the H seems to be more stable), but it's
not just with the first module.  In my case it is the second one.  And I
initially had trouble because the FXO was on socket 1.  Digium had me move it
to socket 4 and that helped some.  But only for a time.


There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
	Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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