[Asterisk-Users] Call Announce, Dial 1 to Accept, Dial 2 to send to VoiceMail

Randy Johnson techlists at paperlesspractice.com
Wed Jan 26 22:07:09 MST 2005


Here is what I would like to do:

1. Call Comes in.
2. Caller Presses 1 for Sales
3.  Asterisk Rings Sales Line
4.  Sales Person answers
5.  Asterisk Sales:  There is a call for Sales, Press 1 to accept the call, 2 to send to voicemail,
6.  If user accepts the call the call is then transferred to the user, if the user selects 2 the caller is then sent to voice mail.

7.  I would also like a press 3 to hear caller ID, but the above steps need to come first.

Is this possible?  

Are there examples out there?


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