[Asterisk-Users] RE: TFTP Server Facing the Internet

Martin Roy mroy at mac.com
Wed Jan 26 11:58:59 MST 2005

Well the best solution would be to create a VPN between your network and 
the one of your customer but that's only possible if you have a VPN 
router on both side. Otherwise I don't see much solution then the one 
you already consider doing.


From: Michael Welter <mike at introspect.com>

Since we're chatting about tftp servers...

Let's say I have a new customer with Cisco 79xx phones, and he desires 
to SIP register on my Asterisk system.  I would have to provide the 
SIP<mac>.cnf and SIPDefault.cnf files on my tftp server for his phones. 
  These files would be world readable, which I don't want.

Is the solution to put the tftp server behind the firewall and port 
redirect based on the customer's IP, or is there a better way of 
restricting access?


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