[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7960 Message Light on multiple phones

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Wed Jan 26 06:21:55 MST 2005

> Here is what I am attempting to do (which works well on Cisco Call 
> Manger).  I have some 7960's that have multiple lines on them.  The 
> second line specifically is a "helpdesk" line that is shared among 
> multiple phones.  Here is how I am making that line ring on multiple 
> phones, maybe you have other suggestions:
> exten => 135,1,Dial(SIP/135 at 100&SIP/135 at 101,20,rt)
> So this rings the second line on the phones that have the first line as 
> 100 and 101.  This works great.  When someone leaves a voicemail, the 
> messagelight will only light on the phone that was booted up last.  Is 
> there a way to make the light come on all of the helpdesk phones, with 
> the second line icon displaying the correct mail icon?  

I believe you'll find the phone that registered 'last' will be the
one that gets the vm lite (not the last reboot). If your phones 
re-register ever 3600 seconds, the last one gets the mwi indicator
and that will cause the mwi to move between phones over time. (Snom
phones had a similar problem some time ago.)

I believe the current implementation for vm notification is to use
a sip 'notify' message to turn on the mwi, and the sip protocol 
implementation within * does not support sending 'notify' messages 
to multiple phones. (E.g., how would * even know how many phones 
you are trying to ring via the above dialplan entry?)

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