[Asterisk-Users] Re: I think your problem has to do with how you set the variable.

Luca Casavola luca at softpi.it
Tue Jan 25 11:05:06 MST 2005

No Jeremy, excuse me, the error was in my email. The correct command is
/bin/echo "Channel: Local/$1 at chiamamezzi-dialout";\
/bin/echo "Variable: 
/bin/echo "Context: chiamamezzi-Wave";\
/bin/echo "Exten: s";\
/bin/echo "Priority: 1";\
/bin/echo "Callerid: Asterisk Automatic Wardial";\
/bin/echo "Timeout: 10000";\
/bin/echo "Async: True";\
/bin/echo "ActionId: 10";\       
where the dialplan is:
exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/g1d/${EXTEN},30)
exten => _X.,2,NoOp( _X.  DIALSTATUS is ${DIALSTATUS} number is ${number} )
exten => _X.,3,GotoIf($[$[${DIALSTATUS} = NOANSWER ] | $[${DIALSTATUS} = 
CANCEL]] ?_X.,5)

It is not only a problem for the variable number : I cant'se any 
variables att all.
Moreover if you look in the originate command, the context name is 
chiamamezzi-Wave  that I can show you:
exten => s,1,Wait,1
exten => s,2,Answer
exten => s,3,DigitTimeout,5
exten => s,4,AbsoluteTimeout,140
exten => s,5,system(/prd/asterisk/sendxmlresponse.sh "-1 yes ${callid} 
${number} ${url}" )
exten => s,6,system(/prd/asterisk/log.sh  "Variabili: [menuid=${menuid}] 
[number=${number}] [redirectnum=${redirectnum}] [url=${url}] 
exten => s,7,BackGround(${wavemsg})

If the dial command succeds * goes on the chiamamezzi-Wave context and 
magically the variables get visible.
It seems an unsensible behaviour but probably I lack something,
Yes I use pri zapata channels and I am able to see and handle the BUSY 

Jeremy Lichfield wrote:

> I think your problem has to do with how you set the variable. It looks 
> like you have a under score in your variable _number not number. So 
> you would call it with ${_number}. Are you able to get BUSY in the 
> DIALSTATUS using the originate command. If so are you using a PRI?
> Jeremy
> .

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