[Asterisk-Users] .call file creation

Glenn Powers glenn at net127.com
Mon Jan 24 22:27:42 MST 2005

Dan Adams wrote:

> I am curious partly because it has occurred randomly in my asterisk 
> system. How does one go about creating a .call file for placing a call 
> between two extensions/phones? I know this has been mentioned and is 
> probably in one of the wikis somewhere, but I am unsure exactally how 
> to go about doing it. Can anyone point me in the right direction.


Here's a web interface (click-to-dial) for creating .call files (part of 
XRMS, an open source CRM package):

* CTI / Asterisk Outdial XRMS Plugin v0.2
* uses asterisk from:
* http://www.asterisk.org/
* copyright 2004 Glenn Powers <glenn at net127.com>
* Licensed Under the Open Software License v. 2.0

 * If you are using the sip.conf based lookupCID,
 * Be sure to add crm_username(s) to your sip.conf file. See below.
 * IF Asterisk is running on the same server as XRMS,
 * MAKE SURE /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing is writable
 * by your web server.
 * IF asterisk is running on another server, use sftp
 * to copy the file over.

 * LookupCID :: ismaeljcarlo
 * simple function to lookup extension number from sip.conf
 * ismaeljcarlo at users.sourceforge.net created this function which looks up
 * the value of crm_username from sip.conf and returns the proper extension.

function lookupCID($thelookupCID) {

        $lookupCID_sip_array = parse_ini_file("/etc/asterisk/sip.conf", 

        while ($v = current($lookupCID_sip_array)) {
                if (isset($v['crm_username'])){
                        if($v['crm_username'] == $thelookupCID) {
                                $thelookupCID = key($lookupCID_sip_array);
                                return $thelookupCID;

 * End LookupCID

// include the common files

require_once($include_directory . 'vars.php');
require_once($include_directory . 'utils-interface.php');
require_once($include_directory . 'utils-misc.php');
require_once($include_directory . 'adodb/adodb.inc.php');
require_once($include_directory . 'adodb-params.php');

$con = &adonewconnection($xrms_db_dbtype);
$con->connect($xrms_db_server, $xrms_db_username, $xrms_db_password, 
// $con->debug = 1;

$session_user_id = session_check();
$session_username = $_SESSION['username'];
$msg = $_GET['msg'];

$contact_id = $_GET['contact_id'];
$company_id = $_GET['company_id'];
$phone = $_GET['phone'];
$phone_dial_prefix = "1";

$msg = urlencode(_("Dialing Phone Number: ") . $phone);

// Get contact name

$sql = "SELECT first_names,last_name from contacts
        WHERE contact_id = " . $contact_id . " LIMIT 1";
$rst = $con->execute($sql);

if ($rst) {
    if (!$rst->EOF) {
        $contact_name = urlencode($rst->fields['first_names'] . " "
              . $rst->fields['last_name']);

// Get variables from the custom fields of the user's contact id.

$sql = "SELECT custom1, custom2, custom3 from contacts, users
        WHERE  users.user_id = " . $session_user_id . "
        AND contacts.contact_id = users.user_contact_id
        LIMIT 1";
$rst = $con->execute($sql);

if ($rst) {
    if (!$rst->EOF) {
        $channel = $rst->fields['custom1'];
        $extension_to_dial = $rst->fields['custom2'];
        $CID = $rst->fields['custom3'];

// $sipCID = lookupCID($session_username);

// This is the file that will be passed to Asterisk

$dial_file_contents = "Channel:$channel$extension_to_dial
MaxRetries: 1
RetryTime: 60
WaitTime: 30
Callerid: $CID
Context: xrms
Extension: $phone_dial_prefix$phone
Priority: 1

$filename = $xrms_file_root . "/tmp/outdial-$phone";

   if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
         echo "Cannot open file ($filename)";

   if (fwrite($handle, $dial_file_contents) === FALSE) {
       echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
   system("mv $filename /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing");


// Create an Activity on Dial
header("Location: ../../activities/new-2.php?user_id=" . $session_user_id
    . "&activity_status=o&activity_type_id=1&contact_id="
    . $contact_id . "&company_id=" . $company_id . "&activity_title="
    . _("Call%20To%20") . $contact_name
    . "&return_url=/contacts/one.php?contact_id=" . $contact_id);

// if you don't want to create an activity on dial, use this instead:
// header("Location: 

   if (fwrite($handle, $dial_file_contents) === FALSE) {
       echo "Cannot write to file ($filename)";
   system("mv $filename /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing");


// Create an Activity on Dial
header("Location: ../../activities/new-2.php?user_id=" . $session_user_id
    . "&activity_status=o&activity_type_id=1&contact_id="
    . $contact_id . "&company_id=" . $company_id . "&activity_title="
    . _("Call%20To%20") . $contact_name
    . "&return_url=/contacts/one.php?contact_id=" . $contact_id);

// if you don't want to create an activity on dial, use this instead:
// header("Location: 


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