[Asterisk-Users] Re: IAX Inbound Sound Quality

Michael Graves mgraves at mstvp.com
Sat Jan 22 20:49:03 MST 2005

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 22:03:45 -0500, Brian Dingman wrote:

>Any thoughts? Could this be a jitterbuffer problem?
>On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 19:08:59 -0500, Brian Dingman <bdingman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a couple of DID's through VP Connect and have been having sound
>> quality issues on incoming calls. During the call, the calling parties
>> voice sometimes sound like it is crackling, in other words it is not
>> very crisp. I would liken it to listening to a radio with a blown
>> speaker. This sound defect comes and goes throughout the call. The
>> other person is always audible but it just isn't as crisp and clear as
>> when I make outgoing calls over IAX. The other party does not hear any
>> audio defects.
>> Anybody have any suggestions on tweaking this? Or has anyone
>> experienced the like?
>> Running * 1.0.3 on an AMD 1700 with 512 MB of RAM (Red Hat 9). I am
>> the only user currently on the system. I am connecting with their IAX
>> server using ULAW and my SIP phone is also using ULAW (Sipura 2000).

I notice that all four of my IAX2 based termination providers send
incomming calls in trunking mode. You can tells since the command IAX2
Show Registry reports all the connections to port 8617. This is
something that is determined at their end. In trunk mode I beleive that
the jitter buffer is not effective.

FWIW, I had similar problems with VPC so I switched to Sixtel.net. No
such problems anymore.

Michael Graves                           mgraves at pixelpower.com
Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
Pixel Power Inc.                                 mgraves at mstvp.com


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