[Asterisk-Users] SPA-2000

Luki lugosoft at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 01:02:21 MST 2005

> Any links on how to get a sipura 2000 to connect to
> asterisk remotely over the internet ?

In my experience, getting the Sipuras (1000, 2000 or 3000) to connect
to * over the Internet is a piece of cake -- just make sure you have
the NAT related options turned on, if your SPA is behind a NAT.

1) NAT support parameters on the SIP tab
2) NAT Mapping Enable on the Line 1/2 tab (I never needed NAT keep alive)

Since you can type in a host name for the server, having a dynamic IP
for * is not a problem, just sign up for a free DynDNS service

The bigger questions are:
1) is your * also behind a NAT?
2) Behind a firewall?
3) Does * accept connection packets from the outside (both SIP and RTP)

Getting your * configured so it accepts outside connections is key;
one you get your * setup working, configuring a SPA isn't all that


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