[Asterisk-Users] External fax modem takeover of fxo?

Lee Howard faxguy at howardsilvan.com
Tue Jan 18 11:48:22 MST 2005

On 2005.01.18 10:32 Walt Reed wrote:

> Yep - I read about all those problems. I have heard very few sucess
> stories of running fax through * at all, which is why I was trying to
> find a way to avoid it.
> If I can get * to do the fax detection only and then kick off the
> external process that should be enough...

I think that you'd have an easier time just getting a second line for 
fax.  But, if that's not an option, then getting "distinctive ring" may 
work better, if you put the HylaFAX-controlled modem (which needs to 
disable the pass-thru port when in-use, like the MultiTech 
MT5634ZBA-V92 does) on the line in-front of the X100P.  You can 
configure HylaFAX to only answer incoming calls that ring 
distinctively, indicating your "fax number".

> > Fax detection is generally okay, but there are some problems.  See:
> >
> >   http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0002165
> Hmm. Interesting. So the problem is that Fax detection doesn't work,
> so
> the reporter goes through all the hoops and captures audio showing an
> exact case where detection is failing and therefore the bug is closed.
> He adds additional detail and the bug is closed AGAIN.
> Cute.

No, not really.  It's rather disturbing, actually, but there are very 
few people who are capable of fixing it, anyway.  So in the end the 
result is the same - closed or open.

> So the real answer is that * can't handle fax correctly and reliably
> at
> all, so get a dedicated PSTN line... Is it just me or is the fact that
> *
> can't do what a $70 fax machine can do seem a little bizzare?

It's not bizarre.  That $70 fax machine is just $70 each, but they sell 
hundreds of thousands of them.  So the manufacturer eventually sees $7M 
or so from it.  Of course the manufacturer is going to get it right for 
$7M.  I can guarantee that we can get it fixed in Asterisk for $7M.


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