[Asterisk-Users] DIAX 0.9.9g more features and higher stability

Denis Galvão - iSolve denis at isolve.com.br
Fri Jan 14 10:36:29 MST 2005

Em Sex 14 Jan 2005 15:11, Michael Van Donselaar escreveu:
> The iaxclient default latency for windows was changed about two months
> ago to 40.
> There were a couple of reports of audio distortion, so it was kicked up
> to 67.
> I think you can get pretty agressive with this, just remember to check on
> the latency if you get distortion.

I think the problem is not related to latency. I tried from 20 to 200 
latency time, but the problem is the same:

Jon -> call -> Fred
Fred listen Jon without problems, but Jon listen Fred with 10 seconds of 

Fred -> call -> Jon
Jon listen Fred wihtout problems, but Fred listen Jon with 10 seconds of 

With Firefly Softphone(IAX2) I dont get this problem, everything works 

Thanks for any help.


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