[Asterisk-Users] How to set asterisk NOT to answer incoming lines?

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Thu Jan 13 09:25:49 MST 2005

On January 13, 2005 11:08 am, Patrick Lidstone (Personal e-mail) wrote:
> I don't think Kelly's response is correct, at least for TDM FXO boards.
> I could not find a way of preventing the FXO board grabbing the line
> when it rang, and subsequent enquiries on this list at the time
> suggested that it wasn't actually possible - which is a pity, as it
> means it is impossible to piggy back Asterisk on a POTS line with other
> auto-answering equipment (e.g. data collection terminals).


If the context that the FXO port is dumped in to lacks an extension that would 
answer a ringing line, it won't answer.  

Create an extension like thus:


(that's it, nothing in it) -- now point zapata.conf to it:

channel => 1  (or whatever channel it happens to be)

reload asterisk, that is it.


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