[Asterisk-Users] chan_cornet

marek cervenka cervajs at fpf.slu.cz
Mon Jan 10 13:56:18 MST 2005

> i agree... no H.323 support for endpoint (HG3530) but you still have h.323 (for the moment only version 2.0)
> support for ip-trunking (HG3550).
> So what if you have the following setup.
> [OPTIPOINT400_HFA]--[HIPAT4K]----[oh.323]----[ASTERISK]--[OPTIPOINT400_SIP].

how can i configure ip-trunking from HI4K to asterisk?
any example h323 conf for asterisk?

Marek Cervenka
Centrum Vypocetni Techniky
CVT 		- http://cvt.fpf.slu.cz
FPF SLU OPAVA 	- http://www.fpf.slu.cz
LCNA 		- http://lcna.slu.cz

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