[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk with MySQL
Muhammad Rizwan Khan
rizwan at advcomm.net
Thu Jan 6 14:14:34 MST 2005
Thanks for your reply,,, But still it does not work. Can you plz view my
attached files,,,
And how can i make sure that connection with the database successfully opened
or not?
Thanks and Regards!
On Friday 07 January 2005 01:57, you wrote:
> > Edit Delete 1 default 574555XXXX 1 Wait 2
> > Edit Delete 2 default 574555XXXX 2 SayNumber 102
> > Edit Delete 3 default 2815551212 1 Playback pbx-invalid
> Lines 1 & 2 are missing _ for pattern matching.
> > rtpholdtimeout secret type username allow disallow
> > NULL blah 12345 NULL NULL
> type doesnt seem to be either "peer", "user" or "friend".
> -Matthew
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-------------- next part --------------
; Static and realtime external configuration
; engine configuration
; Please read doc/README.extconfig for basic table
; formatting information.
; Static configuration files:
; file.conf => driver,database[,table]
; maps a particular configuration file to the given
; database driver, database and table (or uses the
; name of the file as the table if not specified)
;uncomment to load queues.conf via the odbc engine.
;queues.conf => odbc,asterisk,ast_config
; Realtime configuration engine
; maps a particular family of realtime
; configuration to a given database driver,
; database and table (or uses the name of
; the family if the table is not specified
;iaxfriends => odbc,asterisk
;sipfriends => odbc,asterisk
;voicemail => odbc,asterisk
;extensions => odbc,asterisk
sipfriends => mysql,asterisk,customer_lines
voicemail => mysql,test
-------------- next part --------------
; Static extension configuration file, used by
; the pbx_config module. This is where you configure all your
; inbound and outbound calls in Asterisk.
; The "General" category is for certain variables.
; If static is set to no, or omitted, then the pbx_config will rewrite
; this file when extensions are modified. Remember that all comments
; made in the file will be lost when that happens.
; XXX Not yet implemented XXX
; if static=yes and writeprotect=no, you can save dialplan by
; CLI command 'save dialplan' too
; If autofallthrough is set, then if an extension runs out of
; things to do, it will terminate the call with BUSY, CONGESTION
; or HANGUP depending on Asterisk's best guess (strongly recommended).
; If autofallthrough is not set, then if an extension runs out of
; things to do, asterisk will wait for a new extension to be dialed
; (this is the original behavior of Asterisk 1.0 and earlier).
; You can include other config files, use the #include command (without the ';')
; Note that this is different from the "include" command that includes contexts within
; other contexts. The #include command works in all asterisk configuration files.
;#include "filename.conf"
; The "Globals" category contains global variables that can be referenced
; in the dialplan with ${VARIABLE} or ${ENV(VARIABLE)} for Environmental variable
; ${${VARIABLE}} or ${text${VARIABLE}} or any hybrid
CONSOLE=Console/dsp ; Console interface for demo
IAXINFO=guest ; IAXtel username/password
TRUNK=Zap/g2 ; Trunk interface
TRUNKMSD=1 ; MSD digits to strip (usually 1 or 0)
;TRUNK=IAX2/user:pass at provider
; Any category other than "General" and "Globals" represent
; extension contexts, which are collections of extensions.
; Extension names may be numbers, letters, or combinations
; thereof. If an extension name is prefixed by a '_'
; character, it is interpreted as a pattern rather than a
; literal. In patterns, some characters have special meanings:
; X - any digit from 0-9
; Z - any digit from 1-9
; N - any digit from 2-9
; [1235-9] - any digit in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9)
; . - wildcard, matches anything remaining (e.g. _9011. matches
; anything starting with 9011 excluding 9011 itself)
; For example the extension _NXXXXXX would match normal 7 digit dialings,
; while _1NXXNXXXXXX would represent an area code plus phone number
; preceeded by a one.
; Each step of an extension is ordered by priority, which must
; always start with 1 to be considered a valid extension. The priority
; "next" or "n" means the previous priority plus one, regardless of whether
; the previous priority was associated with the current extension or not.
; The priority "same" or "s" means the same as the previously specified
; priority, again regardless of whether the previous entry was for the
; same extension. Priorities may be immediately followed by a plus sign
; and another integer to add that amount (most useful with 's' or 'n').
; Priorities may then also have an alias, or label, in
; parenthesis after their name which can be used in goto situations
; Contexts contain several lines, one for each step of each
; extension, which can take one of two forms as listed below,
; with the first form being preferred. One may include another
; context in the current one as well, optionally with a
; date and time. Included contexts are included in the order
; they are listed.
;exten => someexten,priority[+offset][(alias)],application(arg1,arg2,...)
;exten => someexten,priority[+offset][(alias)],application,arg1|arg2...
; Timing list for includes is
; <time range>|<days of week>|<days of month>|<months>
;include => daytime|9:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|*
; ignorepat can be used to instruct drivers to not cancel dialtone upon
; receipt of a particular pattern. The most commonly used example is
; of course '9' like this:
;ignorepat => 9
; so that dialtone remains even after dialing a 9.
; Sample entries for extensions.conf
; List canonical entries here
;exten => 12564286000,1,Macro(std-exten,6000,IAX2/foo)
;exten => _125642860XX,1,Dial(IAX2/otherbox/${EXTEN:7})
; If you are an ITSP or Reseller, list your customers here.
;exten => _12564286000,1,Dial(SIP/customer1)
;exten => _12564286001,1,Dial(IAX2/customer2)
; If you are freely delivering calls to the PSTN, list them here
;exten => _1256428XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:7}) ; Expose all of 256-428
;exten => _1256325XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:7}) ; Ditto for 256-325
; Context to put your dundi IAX2 or SIP user in for
; full access
include => dundi-e164-canonical
include => dundi-e164-customers
include => dundi-e164-via-pstn
; Just a wrapper for the switch
switch => DUNDi/e164
; Locally to lookup, try looking for a local E.164 solution
; then try DUNDi if we don't have one.
include => dundi-e164-local
include => dundi-e164-switch
; DUNDi can also be implemented as a Macro instead of using
; the Local channel driver.
; ARG1 is the extension to Dial
exten => s,1,Goto(${ARG1},1)
include => dundi-e164-lookup
; Here are the entries you need to participate in the IAXTEL
; call routing system. Most IAXTEL numbers begin with 1-700, but
; there are exceptions. For more information, and to sign
; up, please go to www.gnophone.com or www.iaxtel.com
exten => _91700XXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}@iaxtel.com/${EXTEN:1}@iaxtel)
; The SWITCH statement permits a server to share the dialplain with
; another server. Use with care: Reciprocal switch statements are not
; allowed (e.g. both A -> B and B -> A), and the switched server needs
; to be on-line or else dialing can be severly delayed.
;switch => IAX2/user:[key]@myserver/mycontext
; International long distance through trunk
exten => _9011.,1,Macro(dundi-e164,${EXTEN:4})
exten => _9011.,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
; Long distance context accessed through trunk
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dundi-e164,${EXTEN:1})
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
; Local seven-digit dialing accessed through trunk interface
exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
; Long distance context accessed through trunk interface
exten => _91800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
exten => _91888NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
exten => _91877NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
exten => _91866NXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
; Master context for international long distance
ignorepat => 9
include => longdistance
include => trunkint
; Master context for long distance
ignorepat => 9
include => local
include => trunkld
; Master context for local, toll-free, and iaxtel calls only
ignorepat => 9
include => default
include => parkedcalls
include => trunklocal
include => iaxtel700
include => trunktollfree
include => iaxprovider
; You can use an alternative switch type as well, to resolve
; extensions that are not known here, for example with remote
; IAX switching you transparently get access to the remote
; Asterisk PBX
; switch => IAX2/user:password at bigserver/local
; An "lswitch" is like a switch but is literal, in that
; variable substitution is not performed at load time
; but is passed to the switch directly (presumably to
; be substituted in the switch routine itself)
; lswitch => Loopback/12${EXTEN}@othercontext
; Standard extension macro:
; ${ARG1} - Extension (we could have used ${MACRO_EXTEN} here as well
; ${ARG2} - Device(s) to ring
exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20) ; Ring the interface, 20 seconds maximum
exten => s,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) ; Jump based on status (NOANSWER,BUSY,CHANUNAVAIL,CONGESTION,ANSWER)
exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(u${ARG1}) ; If unavailable, send to voicemail w/ unavail announce
exten => s-NOANSWER,2,Goto(default,s,1) ; If they press #, return to start
exten => s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(b${ARG1}) ; If busy, send to voicemail w/ busy announce
exten => s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1) ; If they press #, return to start
exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1) ; Treat anything else as no answer
exten => a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1}) ; If they press *, send the user into VoicemailMain
; We start with what to do when a call first comes in.
exten => s,1,Wait,1 ; Wait a second, just for fun
exten => s,n,Answer ; Answer the line
exten => s,n,DigitTimeout,5 ; Set Digit Timeout to 5 seconds
exten => s,n,ResponseTimeout,10 ; Set Response Timeout to 10 seconds
exten => s,n(restart),BackGround(demo-congrats) ; Play a congratulatory message
exten => s,n(instruct),BackGround(demo-instruct) ; Play some instructions
exten => s,n,WaitExten ; Wait for an extension to be dialed.
exten => 2,1,BackGround(demo-moreinfo) ; Give some more information.
exten => 2,n,Goto(s,instruct)
exten => 3,1,SetLanguage(fr) ; Set language to french
exten => 3,n,Goto(s,restart) ; Start with the congratulations
exten => 1000,1,Goto(default,s,1)
; We also create an example user, 1234, who is on the console and has
; voicemail, etc.
exten => 1234,1,Playback(transfer,skip) ; "Please hold while..."
; (but skip if channel is not up)
exten => 1234,n,Macro(stdexten,1234,${CONSOLE})
exten => 1235,1,Voicemail(u1234) ; Right to voicemail
exten => 1236,1,Dial(Console/dsp) ; Ring forever
exten => 1236,n,Voicemail(u1234) ; Unless busy
; # for when they're done with the demo
exten => #,1,Playback(demo-thanks) ; "Thanks for trying the demo"
exten => #,n,Hangup ; Hang them up.
; A timeout and "invalid extension rule"
exten => t,1,Goto(#,1) ; If they take too long, give up
exten => i,1,Playback(invalid) ; "That's not valid, try again"
; Create an extension, 500, for dialing the
; Asterisk demo.
exten => 500,1,Playback(demo-abouttotry); Let them know what's going on
exten => 500,n,Dial(IAX2/guest at misery.digium.com/s at default) ; Call the Asterisk demo
exten => 500,n,Playback(demo-nogo) ; Couldn't connect to the demo site
exten => 500,n,Goto(s,6) ; Return to the start over message.
; Create an extension, 600, for evaulating echo latency.
exten => 600,1,Playback(demo-echotest) ; Let them know what's going on
exten => 600,n,Echo ; Do the echo test
exten => 600,n,Playback(demo-echodone) ; Let them know it's over
exten => 600,n,Goto(s,6) ; Start over
; Give voicemail at extension 8500
exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain
exten => 8500,n,Goto(s,6)
; Here's what a phone entry would look like (IXJ for example)
;exten => 1265,1,Dial(Phone/phone0,15)
;exten => 1265,n,Goto(s,5)
; Example "main menu" context with submenu
;exten => s,1,Answer
;exten => s,n,Background(thanks) ; "Thanks for calling press 1 for sales, 2 for support, ..."
;exten => s,n,WaitExten
;exten => 1,1,Goto(submenu,s,1)
;exten => 2,1,Hangup
;include => default
;exten => s,1,Ringing ; Make them comfortable with 2 seconds of ringback
;exten => s,n,Wait,2
;exten => s,n,Background(submenuopts) ; "Thanks for calling the sales department. Press 1 for steve, 2 for..."
;exten => s,n,WaitExten
;exten => 1,1,Goto(default,steve,1)
;exten => 2,1,Goto(default,mark,2)
; By default we include the demo. In a production system, you
; probably don't want to have the demo there.
include => demo
switch => Realtime/mycontext at realtime_ext
; Extensions like the two below can be used for FWD, Nikotel, sipgate etc.
; Note that you must have a [sipprovider] section in sip.conf whereas
; the otherprovider.net example does not require such a peer definition
;exten => _41X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@sipprovider,,r)
;exten => _42X.,1,Dial(SIP/user:passwd@${EXTEN:2}@otherprovider.net,30,rT)
; Real extensions would go here. Generally you want real extensions to be 4 or 5
; digits long (although there is no such requirement) and start with a single
; digit that is fairly large (like 6 or 7) so that you have plenty of room to
; overlap extensions and menu options without conflict. You can alias them with
; names, too and use global variables
;exten => 6245,hint,SIP/Grandstream1&SIP/Xlite1 ; Channel hints for presence
;exten => 6245,1,Dial(SIP/Grandstream1,20,rt) ; permit transfer
;exten => 6245,n(dial),Dial(${HINT},20,rtT) ; Use hint as listed
;exten => 6245,n,Voicemail(u6245) ; Voicemail (unavailable)
;exten => 6245,s+1,Hangup ; s+1, same as n
;exten => 6245,dial+101,Voicemail(b6245) ; Voicemail (busy)
;exten => 6361,1,Dial(IAX2/JaneDoe,,rm) ; ring without time limit
;exten => 6389,1,Dial(MGCP/aaln/1 at
;exten => 6394,1,Dial(Local/6275/n) ; this will dial ${MARK}
;exten => 6275,1,Macro(stdexten,6275,${MARK}) ; assuming ${MARK} is something like Zap/2
;exten => mark,1,Goto(6275|1) ; alias mark to 6275
;exten => 6536,1,Macro(stdexten,6236,${WIL}) ; Ditto for wil
;exten => wil,1,Goto(6236|1)
; Some other handy things are an extension for checking voicemail via
; voicemailmain
;exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain
;exten => 8500,n,Hangup
; Or a conference room (you'll need to edit meetme.conf to enable this room)
;exten => 8600,1,Meetme(1234)
; Or playing an announcement to the called party, as soon it answers
;exten = 8700,1,Dial(${MARK},30,A(/path/to/my/announcemsg))
; For more information on applications, just type "show applications" at your
; friendly Asterisk CLI prompt.
; 'show application <command>' will show details of how you
; use that particular application in this file, the dial plan.
; switch => Realtime/[context]@[family][/options]
; If context is not given, current context is default
; If family is not given, family of 'extensions' is default
switch => Realtime/default at sipfriends
-------------- next part --------------
;;; odbc setup file
dsn => MySQL-asterisk
username => root
password =>
pre-connect => yes
;dsn => MySQL-asterisk
;username => myuser
;password => mypass
;pre-connect => yes
-------------- next part --------------
; SIP Configuration for Asterisk
; Syntax for specifying a SIP device in extensions.conf is
; SIP/devicename where devicename is defined in a section below.
; You may also use
; SIP/username at domain to call any SIP user on the Internet
; (Don't forget to enable DNS SRV records if you want to use this)
; If you define a SIP proxy as a peer below, you may call
; SIP/proxyhostname/user or SIP/user at proxyhostname
; where the proxyhostname is defined in a section below
; Useful CLI commands to check peers/users:
; sip show peers Show all SIP peers (including friends)
; sip show users Show all SIP users (including friends)
; sip show registry Show status of hosts we register with
; sip debug Show all SIP messages
context=default ; Default context for incoming calls
;allowguest=no ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes, this can also be set to 'osp'
; if asterisk was compiled with OSP support.
;recordhistory=yes ; Record SIP history by default
; (see sip history / sip no history)
;realm=mydomain.tld ; Realm for digest authentication
; defaults to "asterisk"
; Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261
; Set this to your host name or domain name
port=5060 ; UDP Port to bind to (SIP standard port is 5060)
bindaddr= ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all
srvlookup=yes ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
; Note: Asterisk only uses the first host
; in SRV records
; Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables the
; ability to place SIP calls based on domain
; names to some other SIP users on the Internet
;pedantic=yes ; Enable slow, pedantic checking for Pingtel
; and multiline formatted headers for strict
; SIP compatibility (defaults to "no")
;tos=184 ; Set IP QoS to either a keyword or numeric val
;tos=lowdelay ; lowdelay,throughput,reliability,mincost,none
;maxexpirey=3600 ; Max length of incoming registration we allow
;defaultexpirey=120 ; Default length of incoming/outoing registration
;notifymimetype=text/plain ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY
;checkmwi=10 ; Default time between mailbox checks for peers
;videosupport=yes ; Turn on support for SIP video
;disallow=all ; First disallow all codecs
allow=ulaw ; Allow codecs in order of preference
;musicclass=default ; Sets the default music on hold class for all SIP calls
; This may also be set for individual users/peers
language=en ; Default language setting for all users/peers
; This may also be set for individual users/peers
;relaxdtmf=yes ; Relax dtmf handling
;rtptimeout=60 ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP activity
; when we're not on hold
;rtpholdtimeout=300 ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP activity
; when we're on hold (must be > rtptimeout)
;trustrpid = no ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted
;progressinband=never ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
; use 'never' to never use in-band signalling, even in cases
; where some buggy devices might not render it
;useragent=Asterisk PBX ; Allows you to change the user agent string
;nat=no ; NAT settings
; yes = Always ignore info and assume NAT
; no = Use NAT mode only according to RFC3581
; never = Never attempt NAT mode or RFC3581 support
; route = Assume NAT, don't send rport
; (work around more UNIDEN bugs)
;promiscredir = no ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address
; Note that promiscredir when redirects are made to the
; local system will cause loops since SIP is incapable
;usereqphone = no ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains
; a valid phone number
; of performing a "hairpin" call.
;dtmfmode = rfc2833 ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833
; Other options:
; info : SIP INFO messages
; inband : Inband audio
;compactheaders = yes ; send compact sip headers.
; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically
; create and destroy a NoOp priority 1 extension for a given
; peer who registers or unregisters with us. The actual extension
; is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering peer or its
; name if 'regexten' is not provided. More than one regexten may be supplied
; if they are separated by '&'. Patterns may be used in regexten.
; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider)
; Format for the register statement is:
; register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension]
; If no extension is given, the 's' extension is used. The extension
; needs to be defined in extensions.conf to be able to accept calls
; from this SIP proxy (provider)
; host is either a host name defined in DNS or the name of a
; section defined below.
; Examples:
;register => 1234:password at mysipprovider.com
; This will pass incoming calls to the 's' extension
;register => 2345:password at sip_proxy/1234
; Register 2345 at sip provider 'sip_proxy'. Calls from this provider connect to local
; extension 1234 in extensions.conf default context, unless you define
; unless you configure a [sip_proxy] section below, and configure a context.
; Tip 1: Avoid assigning hostname to a sip.conf section like [provider.com]
; Tip 2: Use separate type=peer and type=user sections for SIP providers
; (instead of type=friend) if you have calls in both directions
;registertimeout=20 ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default)
;externip = ; Address that we're going to put in outbound SIP messages
; if we're behind a NAT
; The externip and localnet is used
; when registering and communicating with other proxies
; that we're registered with
; You may add multiple local networks. A reasonable set of defaults
; are:
;externhost=foo.dyndns.net ; Alternatively you can specify an
; external host, and Asterisk will
; perform DNS queries periodically. Not
; recommended for production
; environments! Use externip instead
;externrefresh=10 ; How often to refresh externhost if
; usedl
;localnet=; All RFC 1918 addresses are local networks
;localnet= ; Also RFC1918
;localnet= ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation
;localnet= ;Zero conf local network
; Users and peers have different settings available. Friends have all settings,
; since a friend is both a peer and a user
; User config options: Peer configuration:
; -------------------- -------------------
; context context
; permit permit
; deny deny
; secret secret
; md5secret md5secret
; dtmfmode dtmfmode
; canreinvite canreinvite
; nat nat
; callgroup callgroup
; pickupgroup pickupgroup
; language language
; allow allow
; disallow disallow
; insecure insecure
; trustrpid trustrpid
; progressinband progressinband
; promiscredir promiscredir
; useclientcode useclientcode
; setvar
; callerid
; accountcode
; amaflags
; incominglimit
; restrictcid
; mailbox
; username
; template
; fromdomain
; regexten
; fromuser
; host
; mask
; port
; qualify
; defaultip
; rtptimeout
; rtpholdtimeout
sipfriends => odbc,asterisk,sip_buddies
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