[Asterisk-Users] 'I'nvalid extension handling problems, even with workaround

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Jan 4 09:02:52 MST 2005

> > > > What happens on the phone is that I hear voiptalk.org's greeting
> > > > and after they hang up, I hear my own "invalid extensions"
> > > > message. 
> > > 
> > > That's because your _X. extension has a 2nd line. Reduce it to
> > > _X.,1,Playback(invalid) and you won't have that problem.
> > 
> > I'm not the original poster but think I've got the same issue.
> > Why does reducing that to a single line solve the problem?
> Because otherwise when you call any number and that call ends, it goes
> to _X.,2,... because that matches!

Okay, I thought you were suggesting something like the following had problems:

exten => _.,1,Answer
exten => _.,2,Wait(1)
exten => _.,3,Playback(the-number-u-dialed)
exten => _.,4,Playback(not-yet-assigned)
exten => _.,5,Wait(2)
exten => _.,6,Hangup

The above is "included" as the last of several includes, forcing it to
be the last choice if no other matches.

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