[Asterisk-Users] Help asterisk startup errors

Andrew Thompson asteriskuser at aktzero.com
Fri Feb 18 10:38:23 MST 2005

Edward Banfa wrote:
> [root at columbia asterisk-1.0.5]# ./asterisk -vvvc
>   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Not found (No such file or
> directory)
>   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf': Not found (No such file or
> directory)

It looks like you haven't created any of the config files. Is there a 
folder named /etc/asterisk?

If not, make one(I'm not sure if the next command would do it itself), 
and then from your asterisk source directory, do: make samples

That should get rid of most of the errors. From there you should read 
everything you can on these sites:


Andrew Thompson

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