[Asterisk-Users] make of asterisk doesn't do anything...

Michael George george at mutualdata.com
Tue Feb 15 05:34:35 MST 2005

I just got the latest update from the 1.0 CVS tree this morning.  I was able
to make the zaptel drivers just fine, but in the asterisk directory, "make"
just sits there.

This is under the 2.4 kernel on a SuSE system which has worked just fine until

I'm making as root, so it's not likely a permission problem.

According to top, grep and cat are running with grep sucking down a huge
amount of processor time.

I did a "make clean" before the make, but that didn't help anything.

It is a slow machine, but I let it run for like 15m and it hasn't produced the
first bit of output.

Anyone run into this?

Thanks for any advice...


There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
	Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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